Brown's Creek Baptist

Exalting the Savior, Equipping the Saints, and Evangelizing the Sinner


The purest expression of God this side of heaven is the incarnate Word – Jesus Christ. The clearest revelation of God and His Son is His written Word – the Bible. As such, we set apart every Sunday, the Lord’s Day, to worship Jesus Christ through preaching, music, fellowship, serving, and giving.

Brown’s Creek Baptist Church

“One of the best ways to hold fast to the things of God— the real things of God that are only found in the New Covenant of Jesus Christ—is to be in the fellowship of His people, where they could love and be loved, serve and be served. There is no better places to come all the way to faith in Christ, or to hope continually in Him, than the church.” John MacArthur


If there is anyone graduation this year, please see Pastor Shawn or Kari Head.

Children’s Camp at Look Up Lodge: May 24th-27th. Total cost for members is $129.50 and $259.00 for non-members. Final payment due no later than May 19th.

Youth Camp at Look Up Lodge: July 5th-July 9th. Total Cost for members is $154.50 and $309.00 for non-members. Final payment is due no later than June 23rd

The Cancer Care Ministry is running low on supplies. Please see Pat Cantrell for a list or if you would like to donate.